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PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 1:06 pm    Post subject:

Zhengi wrote:
KobeDunk wrote:
Just burn the games. They want to rob us? we'll rob them back !!

Shh.... But then again, we have to wait until there's a good chip in order to do that. There's also the issue of how many games are going to be in the blu-ray format. Might be a little while before it's possible to do this

Screw formats (HD DVD Vs. Blu-Ray)... With broadband,.. there will be no need. You will be able to dowload games with the Wii. XBL already allows you to demo game. As for movies,.. between cable, TiVo (rumor to be doing a deal with Amazon to offer OnDemand/Content), pay-per-view (OnDemand) and iTunes, I don't see a need for. By the time 'they' can committ to a standard, it'll be too late.

IMO, I think MSFT got the HD DVD/Blu-Ray right, by making it an add on device. If Blu-Ray becomes the 'beta-max' of this century, Sony will have some serious issues.

Last edited by TACH on Mon Sep 25, 2006 1:33 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 1:15 pm    Post subject:

^^ Good point Tach. We'll have to see what happens from here on out.

I just found this article on the PS3 in regards to its US pricing:

Sadly, though, Sony is sticking firm with its North American PS3 plans. "In the US, we're comfortable with the pricing that we announced at E3--$499 for the 20 gigabyte version and $599 for the 60-gigabyte version," Sony Computer president Kaz Hirai told GameSpot. "There are no plans right now to adjust the pricing for the US market."

Though disappointed, potential PS3 purchasers in the US did get a bit of a consolation prize from Hirai. The executive confirmed that every 20GB PS3 worldwide will have an HDMI port, not just in Japan, as some had speculated.

Article here
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 1:32 pm    Post subject:

Zhengi wrote:
^^ Good point Tach. We'll have to see what happens from here on out.

I just found this article on the PS3 in regards to its US pricing:

"In the US, we're comfortable with the pricing that we announced at E3--$499 for the 20 gigabyte version and $599 for the 60-gigabyte version," Sony Computer president Kaz Hirai told GameSpot. "There are no plans right now to adjust the pricing for the US market."

Article here

And I have no plans on buying a PS3 at those prices..... Wii, here I come!!!
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 1:45 pm    Post subject:

they should drop it to $399 and $499 then I would consider it. That Xbox360 is looking mighty fine with those PS3 prices...
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 1:56 pm    Post subject:

Games will not be $100 for the PS3. Go to GS, EB games are wherever. The max for any game is $60 unless it is a LE of the game.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:20 pm    Post subject:

I'm still quite satisfied with my mod'd Xbox.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:31 pm    Post subject:

^^ mod'd xboxes are amazing. i almost never played xbox games on i am a snes/n64/genesis junkie. my old roommate had one but we don't live together anymore so its not in my house. that makes ocho a sad panda.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:34 pm    Post subject:

KobeDunk wrote:
Just burn the games. They want to rob us? we'll rob them back !!

Although unethical and illegal, the reality of it is many people who game on consoles do so for the ease of being able to mod their unit and play burned games at a fraction of the price.

Arguably the PS1 and PS2 units were fairly easy to get burned games to play on them. It was also really easy to get games off the internet to burn and play (or make back-ups )

If all the PS3 games are on Blu-Ray discs it's going to be very pricey to burn, if it's even possible. Blu-Ray burners are on the market going for about $900 or so and the discs are roughly $20-$25 (single layer) and $40-$50 for (dual layer).

At the moment it is possible to burn 360 games (for back-ups of course ) but it's a hassle to be able to do so .. and even then the success rate of a playable burnt disc is hit or miss.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 4:52 am    Post subject:

CBaller8 wrote:
Games will not be $100 for the PS3. Go to GS, EB games are wherever. The max for any game is $60 unless it is a LE of the game.

The problem is that they don't have official numbers for game prices. At this point, the prices you see at EB/Gamestop are just guesses. I don't think $100 is something you will pay, but I expect games to be anywhere from $60 to $75 for the PS3. At least initially.

The modded boxes are great if you don't plan to play online, but in the next-gen all 3 consoles will have 1st party online connectivity. What that means is that if you want to play online or download games, demos, videos, etc. then you probably won't be able to do so with a modded box. Or at the very least, you will need a mod that can be disabled/enabled easily.
Game recognize game, Granddad. - Riley Freeman, The Boondocks
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 8:58 am    Post subject:

XTN wrote:
Zhengi wrote:
Also, in other news, Microsoft announces a software upgrade to make the 360 output games at 1080p. Ouch for Sony:

[quoteMicrosoft's announcement -- which effectively parries Sony's bold claims regarding the merits of 1080p high definition content or, as Sony calls it, True HD -- is their latest move seeking to blunt the impact of the oncoming Sony PS3 hype-train. With the True HD cat de-clawed, Microsoft's mantra of choice will appear even more appealing. It's another bullet point taken out of the next-gen console war equation.

Joystiq spoke briefly with Shane Kim, General Manager of Microsoft Game Studios, about their announcements in Tokyo today. First off, Kim clarified that, while the software patch would upscale all content to resolutions as high as 1080p, Microsoft themselves had no plans to produce gaming content taking advantage of this ability. He was similarly convinced that very few other developers would see the value in producing 1080p games, with the singular exception of Sony's first-party studios, eager to validate the value of the capability.

A bit more in link

Nice find Zhengi.

I know quite a few people who work in the gaming industry and it's a rather shame that the Xbox vs. PS3 vs. Wii always turn into a pissing match. Fact of the matter is the consumers are really being left in the dark with all the technical jargon being thrown around. Xbox nor Sony have any games that take full advantage of the "powerful processors or grafx chips." Xbox will most likely see games pushing the console to it's full potential sooner only because it's been out for almost a year and developers have had time to catch up.

IMO Sony really have alot of things going against them with the upcoming release of the PS3. It seems to me Sony is really being vague about what the PS3 is really capable of and what we should expect. As I stated in my previous post I really wanted to hold out for a PS3 but too many things about it seems shady. For instance:

1. They talk about 100% free online play on an "open platform". What that means is instead of a unified online multiplayer system like Xbox live they will leave it in the hands of the game makers. Thus, the game developers will have to provide their own servers where they can charge a pay-to-play fee..after-all who's going to pay for the servers? In addition, if you've ever played on a free servers you know how crappy it is with non-existent admins and lack of support once the game starts losing popularity.

2. 1080p yup it's "true hd" and yes the PS3 supports it. Is it going to be used on every game for the PS3? Not quite...most developers are still producing in 720p or 1080i. Alot of the games coming out even if played on a 1080p unit will be downscaled to a lower hd mode. I foresee alot of untechnical savy people being quite disappointed to find out that their $600 console needs quite an expensive TV to make use of it's technology.

3.Blu-Ray.. it's dope I want one.. I'm a movie junkie! BUT, it's just a bad idea when the format hasn't been deemed "industry standard" yet. As a matter of fact it could take YEARS for either HD-DVD or Blu-Ray to claim the title. For either format to really take over the market now we're talking about more than just people buying a new player.. it's buying a new TV unit. See ^ regarding 1080p.

4.With the high price tag and lower units being made available it's the perfect time for the Nintendo Wii and Xbox to grab consumers who are straddling the line. I'm thinking that by Christmas time we'll see a drop in the 360's price to be even more competitive. The Wii imo will see great success this holiday. Whether the controllers are a gimmick or not it doesn't's priced to move! And eventhough many are dismissing it as a "kiddy" console.. they got the big boys ready to make all the big titles for them: EA, Midway, UbiSoft, THQ. This isn't elementary kids Nintendo anymore. If Nintendo is smart they won't allow major retailers to overprice and "bundle pack" their units. They do that and I think they'll fly off the shelves.

5. Here's a couple of good articles:
HD-DVD or Blu-Ray Dead Formats Walking

Hi-Tech BS explained by Gabe Newell of Valve Software

Bottomline, the PS3 boasts some pretty impressive technology... unfortunately alot of it isn't really feasible at the moment. They make it sound like it is but it just isn't so. It's called marketing. Get the latest and greatest so you're ahead of the competition. Sony may be a little too far ahead.. even for themselves.

Sony is gambling on the PS3 to become the future standard of gaming and for the home movie experience. I just don't foresee people holding their breath or holding on to a PS3 for 5-10 years. By the time developers and consumers catch-up there's bound to be the next Xbox, next Nintendo, next Hi-Def distribution system, next whatever.

Take it easy all.. remember it's just gaming![/quote]

Its not going to take 5 to 10 years. to catchup. you have to understand one thing. as far as you saying the ps3 is setting you up to have to by a new TV. isn't everything that yells, "HD" basically telling anyone with out a HD TV/Receiver to get one? Yep. now as far as the 1080p vs 1080i you're correct. what you call this is making headroom. nothing wrong with that. That leaves it up to the programmers to put their games up to 1080p, not sony. sony is giving them Room to spread there wings as far as they want. no excuses about, graphics not being up to par because of the console. no excuses about why you couldn't make a game do this or that because a console's cpu isn't sufficient to run the AI. ect, ect. its going to be left totally up to the programmers. because now they have a super computer so to speak. to run their games off of. The same stuff they use to run their games pre-release is basically the same power in the PS3. no more dumbing it down from the computer to the console.

That has nothing to do with sony. sony is trying to give them room to do whatever they can imagine. Now granted if you know anything about the programmers progression on a system you know that they become very very good at it, in the last 2 years of the consoles lifespan. same thing happened with the ps2/xbox, playstation, etc, etc. So it takes about 3 to 5 years for the programmers to really use the full power of a console. and it usually takes 5 years before they make a new one. by that time Blu-ray or some other format will be in. actually within the next 1 to 2 years. one of those formats will be it, or both will be it w/ drives that can play both formats. 1 to 2 years, 3 years tops. So sony isn' that ahead of the game. their trying to push people to join Blu-ray. thats how you do it. dont just bring out another drive. sneak that puppy in, with the gaming console. so people can get familiar with it. and you know how people are. once they're used to something they usually dont change.

so you have a ps3, so you own blu-ray, you wont want to purchase a different drive that plays a different format. you will want to stick with blu-ray. sure sony can miss by doing this. but you can't knock em for it.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 9:54 am    Post subject:

It won't take 5-10 years to catch up, but it will probably take 3-5 years before there's enough saturation of HD displays for 1080p to mean much to the average consumer. Including a Blu-Ray drive in the PS3 might be a good move for Sony in the long run, but you get the feeling that it's Blu-Ray that's causing the price to be a little inflated.

I didn't see any explicit links to these stories here, even though some of us have mentioned the news:
PS3 Delayed Until March 2007 in Europe
PS3 Launch Day: 100k units in Japan, 400k units in North America
Nintendo Claims They Will Have 1 Million Wiis at Launch in North America
Game recognize game, Granddad. - Riley Freeman, The Boondocks
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 10:09 am    Post subject:

CORRECTION about PS3 Game Prices:

PlayStation 3 Games to be $59 - Looks Like They're Sane After All

The rumor that PS3 games are going to cost $75 to $84 was pretty much inaccurate, and caused by a simple conversion from yen to dollars instead of any official price release. The official price in the US, as listed on Sony's official Sony Style site is $59. Same as the Xbox 360.

Though, it's a bit strange that Japan will be paying that much more than the US for PS3 games. Seeing as Europe's Xbox 360 games are nearly $100 USD now, $74 to $85 would be a bargain for them.

PS3 Game $59....
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 10:56 am    Post subject:

Exick wrote:
It won't take 5-10 years to catch up, but it will probably take 3-5 years before there's enough saturation of HD displays for 1080p to mean much to the average consumer. Including a Blu-Ray drive in the PS3 might be a good move for Sony in the long run, but you get the feeling that it's Blu-Ray that's causing the price to be a little inflated.

I didn't see any explicit links to these stories here, even though some of us have mentioned the news:
PS3 Delayed Until March 2007 in Europe
PS3 Launch Day: 100k units in Japan, 400k units in North America
Nintendo Claims They Will Have 1 Million Wiis at Launch in North America
When thinking about Blu-Ray, you would think Sony would of leanred it's lesson in regards to formats (i.e. Betamax, ATRAC3, Mini Disc, UMD, memory sticks)... Has any of those formats 'caught on'? Hmmm... if I were a betting man......
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 11:17 am    Post subject:

TACH wrote:
Exick wrote:
It won't take 5-10 years to catch up, but it will probably take 3-5 years before there's enough saturation of HD displays for 1080p to mean much to the average consumer. Including a Blu-Ray drive in the PS3 might be a good move for Sony in the long run, but you get the feeling that it's Blu-Ray that's causing the price to be a little inflated.

I didn't see any explicit links to these stories here, even though some of us have mentioned the news:
PS3 Delayed Until March 2007 in Europe
PS3 Launch Day: 100k units in Japan, 400k units in North America
Nintendo Claims They Will Have 1 Million Wiis at Launch in North America
When thinking about Blu-Ray, you would think Sony would of leanred it's lesson in regards to formats (i.e. Betamax, ATRAC3, Mini Disc, UMD, memory sticks)... Has any of those formats 'caught on'? Hmmm... if I were a betting man......

and thats why they keep at it. until one of em catches on. and everyone jacked their idea for the memory sticks. cause every piece of new memory is on some type of small device now, thats basically a memory stick.

and back to the other guy who said it will take 3 years for the market to be saturated with HD tv's that can run 1080p . this is probally true. but I also know that most people still dont have HD capadable tv's or receivers. a lot of people do. but not most. and most can't even go up to 1080i, let alone p. so that means xbox360 is also to far ahead if we're thinking along those lines. The deal is this. the TV manufacturers need to keep lowering prices for TV monitors, HD ready TV's ect that are capable of playing at minimum 1080i and max of course 1080p. until that happens. both systems will be way ahead of the masses.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 11:56 am    Post subject:

postandpivot wrote:

and thats why they keep at it. until one of em catches on. and everyone jacked their idea for the memory sticks. cause every piece of new memory is on some type of small device now, thats basically a memory stick.

But none of them have stuck so far.... correct me if I'm wrong, but a 'memory stick' only works in Sony products? Sony better hope Blu-Ray wins out of HD-DVD, and doesn't end up like UMD.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:47 pm    Post subject:

TACH wrote:
postandpivot wrote:

and thats why they keep at it. until one of em catches on. and everyone jacked their idea for the memory sticks. cause every piece of new memory is on some type of small device now, thats basically a memory stick.

But none of them have stuck so far.... correct me if I'm wrong, but a 'memory stick' only works in Sony products? Sony better hope Blu-Ray wins out of HD-DVD, and doesn't end up like UMD.

I dont believe Blu-ray will end up like UMD. Umd is made for that psp thingy right? and nothing else right? well if thats the case. then only people who own those can use that format. knowing good and well that everyone that owns a psp doesn't use it to watch movies. so there that goes. Blu-Ray is nothing more then a Fa-druple layer DVD. Same as the HDDVD. what should happen is both formats be excepted. then they release firmware to allow the Ps3 to be compatible. suck it up and dont be foolish and make sure the ps3's from that point on are compatible with both formats.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:16 pm    Post subject:

postandpivot wrote:

Its not going to take 5 to 10 years. to catchup. you have to understand one thing. as far as you saying the ps3 is setting you up to have to by a new TV. isn't everything that yells, "HD" basically telling anyone with out a HD TV/Receiver to get one? Yep. now as far as the 1080p vs 1080i you're correct. what you call this is making headroom. nothing wrong with that. That leaves it up to the programmers to put their games up to 1080p, not sony. sony is giving them Room to spread there wings as far as they want. no excuses about, graphics not being up to par because of the console. no excuses about why you couldn't make a game do this or that because a console's cpu isn't sufficient to run the AI. ect, ect. its going to be left totally up to the programmers. because now they have a super computer so to speak. to run their games off of. The same stuff they use to run their games pre-release is basically the same power in the PS3. no more dumbing it down from the computer to the console.

I agree HD marketing is basically telling everyone to convert. But as I stated before many consumers are still in the dark and terms like 1080p, 1080i, etc are not common household terms as of yet. Perhaps Sony is giving developers more "headroom" but the avg joe could care less. To the average consumer it's always about what they can have now and at the lowest price point possible.

At the moment a consumer can get a "hi-def" plasma, lcd, dlp for a third of the price of it's 1080p counterpart. Consumers can also get HD-DVD players for about 1/2 the cost of most Blu-Ray players. HD-DVD's will also be cheaper than Blu-Ray dvds.

Also in regards to the PS3 as being a "supercomputer" sure the cell processor will be usable for years to come and programmers will try and tap it to it's full potential. BUT, the cell processor is just one part of the system. The PS3's GPU (graphics processor unit) is equivalent to a 7900gtx which is pretty good now but in a couple years won't match up to PC graphic cards of the near future. By the time game developers really catch on how to use the cell processor and it's 7 SPE's the GPU will be a bottleneck on graphic performance. Great Ai but so-so grafx is not gonna cut it especially when other console makers will have their new line ready to go.

postandpivot wrote:

That has nothing to do with sony. sony is trying to give them room to do whatever they can imagine. Now granted if you know anything about the programmers progression on a system you know that they become very very good at it, in the last 2 years of the consoles lifespan. same thing happened with the ps2/xbox, playstation, etc, etc. So it takes about 3 to 5 years for the programmers to really use the full power of a console. and it usually takes 5 years before they make a new one. by that time Blu-ray or some other format will be in. actually within the next 1 to 2 years. one of those formats will be it, or both will be it w/ drives that can play both formats. 1 to 2 years, 3 years tops. So sony isn' that ahead of the game. their trying to push people to join Blu-ray. thats how you do it. dont just bring out another drive. sneak that puppy in, with the gaming console. so people can get familiar with it. and you know how people are. once they're used to something they usually dont change.

This is assuming that HD-DVD or BluRay actually catches on.. the current market is really leaning towards the direction of a media-less future. Downloading could very well kill both formats.

I wouldn't say by any means that sony is trying to sneak in the Blu-Ray format. They're using the addition of Blu-Ray on the PS3 as justification for the price point of the unit. It is their way of forcing people to use Blu-Ray. Unfortunately, this has had some strange adverse affects that I'm sure Sony wasn't expecting. I mean a Blu-Ray player for under 1k w/ an outstanding gaming platform... everyone should be drooling to get their hands on one. It just isn't so.

I've read numerious forums where people are unhappy about the inclusion of Blu-Ray as they don't need it or want it and would have preferred a straight gaming console. Blu-Ray is just not enough of a selling point for many to justify a $600.00 console when gaming is all they plan to do with it. People who are hardcore home theater buffs prefer to have a stand alone player and aren't easily sold on the novelty of the PS3. They also know to stay out of the format war til the dust settles. Unlike the jump from VHS to DVD the quality of the new HD-dvd formats isn't obvious enough for the avg. consumer to want to make the switch anytime soon. Another problem is how many people want to rebuy their entire collection of DVD's in hi-def format? Current movies and movies in the years to come will be the catalyst for the HD formats to catch on. This takes more than 1-3 years.

postandpivot wrote:

so you have a ps3, so you own blu-ray, you wont want to purchase a different drive that plays a different format. you will want to stick with blu-ray. sure sony can miss by doing this. but you can't knock em for it.

I like many are knocking them for it and rightly so. Delays, price hikes, lack of promised features, these and other things are the tip of the iceberg that are very dissuading. Even if I had the Blu-Ray drive if HD-DVD takes the market I will HAVE to purchase a different drive to stay current.

I was really looking forward to the PS3, I was a Sony fanboy for a long time. If they had stuck to their original plans and made a gaming console that was competitive w/ the 360 and Wii w/out trying to forcefeed a format that isn't even industry standard yet; it would have already been out, cheaper, and more than likely the current king of consoles.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 5:29 pm    Post subject:

XTN wrote:
postandpivot wrote:

Its not going to take 5 to 10 years. to catchup. you have to understand one thing. as far as you saying the ps3 is setting you up to have to by a new TV. isn't everything that yells, "HD" basically telling anyone with out a HD TV/Receiver to get one? Yep. now as far as the 1080p vs 1080i you're correct. what you call this is making headroom. nothing wrong with that. That leaves it up to the programmers to put their games up to 1080p, not sony. sony is giving them Room to spread there wings as far as they want. no excuses about, graphics not being up to par because of the console. no excuses about why you couldn't make a game do this or that because a console's cpu isn't sufficient to run the AI. ect, ect. its going to be left totally up to the programmers. because now they have a super computer so to speak. to run their games off of. The same stuff they use to run their games pre-release is basically the same power in the PS3. no more dumbing it down from the computer to the console.

I agree HD marketing is basically telling everyone to convert. But as I stated before many consumers are still in the dark and terms like 1080p, 1080i, etc are not common household terms as of yet. Perhaps Sony is giving developers more "headroom" but the avg joe could care less. To the average consumer it's always about what they can have now and at the lowest price point possible.

At the moment a consumer can get a "hi-def" plasma, lcd, dlp for a third of the price of it's 1080p counterpart. Consumers can also get HD-DVD players for about 1/2 the cost of most Blu-Ray players. HD-DVD's will also be cheaper than Blu-Ray dvds.

Also in regards to the PS3 as being a "supercomputer" sure the cell processor will be usable for years to come and programmers will try and tap it to it's full potential. BUT, the cell processor is just one part of the system. The PS3's GPU (graphics processor unit) is equivalent to a 7900gtx which is pretty good now but in a couple years won't match up to PC graphic cards of the near future. By the time game developers really catch on how to use the cell processor and it's 7 SPE's the GPU will be a bottleneck on graphic performance. Great Ai but so-so grafx is not gonna cut it especially when other console makers will have their new line ready to go.

postandpivot wrote:

That has nothing to do with sony. sony is trying to give them room to do whatever they can imagine. Now granted if you know anything about the programmers progression on a system you know that they become very very good at it, in the last 2 years of the consoles lifespan. same thing happened with the ps2/xbox, playstation, etc, etc. So it takes about 3 to 5 years for the programmers to really use the full power of a console. and it usually takes 5 years before they make a new one. by that time Blu-ray or some other format will be in. actually within the next 1 to 2 years. one of those formats will be it, or both will be it w/ drives that can play both formats. 1 to 2 years, 3 years tops. So sony isn' that ahead of the game. their trying to push people to join Blu-ray. thats how you do it. dont just bring out another drive. sneak that puppy in, with the gaming console. so people can get familiar with it. and you know how people are. once they're used to something they usually dont change.

This is assuming that HD-DVD or BluRay actually catches on.. the current market is really leaning towards the direction of a media-less future. Downloading could very well kill both formats.

I wouldn't say by any means that sony is trying to sneak in the Blu-Ray format. They're using the addition of Blu-Ray on the PS3 as justification for the price point of the unit. It is their way of forcing people to use Blu-Ray. Unfortunately, this has had some strange adverse affects that I'm sure Sony wasn't expecting. I mean a Blu-Ray player for under 1k w/ an outstanding gaming platform... everyone should be drooling to get their hands on one. It just isn't so.

I've read numerious forums where people are unhappy about the inclusion of Blu-Ray as they don't need it or want it and would have preferred a straight gaming console. Blu-Ray is just not enough of a selling point for many to justify a $600.00 console when gaming is all they plan to do with it. People who are hardcore home theater buffs prefer to have a stand alone player and aren't easily sold on the novelty of the PS3. They also know to stay out of the format war til the dust settles. Unlike the jump from VHS to DVD the quality of the new HD-dvd formats isn't obvious enough for the avg. consumer to want to make the switch anytime soon. Another problem is how many people want to rebuy their entire collection of DVD's in hi-def format? Current movies and movies in the years to come will be the catalyst for the HD formats to catch on. This takes more than 1-3 years.

postandpivot wrote:

so you have a ps3, so you own blu-ray, you wont want to purchase a different drive that plays a different format. you will want to stick with blu-ray. sure sony can miss by doing this. but you can't knock em for it.

I like many are knocking them for it and rightly so. Delays, price hikes, lack of promised features, these and other things are the tip of the iceberg that are very dissuading. Even if I had the Blu-Ray drive if HD-DVD takes the market I will HAVE to purchase a different drive to stay current.

I was really looking forward to the PS3, I was a Sony fanboy for a long time. If they had stuck to their original plans and made a gaming console that was competitive w/ the 360 and Wii w/out trying to forcefeed a format that isn't even industry standard yet; it would have already been out, cheaper, and more than likely the current king of consoles.

well what can i say XTN, you broke me down like a kobe crossover

Funny thing is, I agree/ and always have agreed with pretty much everything you said. The only thing I'm still not mad about is the price of the ps3. well if you really wanna know. Gas should be 1 buck. but thats another story.

I wont knock sony for being Sony. Have you noticed they always try to be ahead of the game. and it happens to them alot. they're to Far ahead. if there's a such thing. But thats Sony. If it isn't for Sony doing this. and they can afford to do this. We would have to hope someone else does. Sony goes ahead of everyone. and then little guys come in and figure out how to do it 2 years later for cheaper and a bit faster. But the little guys are nothing more then Copy cats. or Enhancers. Enhance the price to make it cheaper. Enhance the technology to make what has been designed a little faster/sleeker. easier to sell to the public(avg joe). not us nut jobs (Gaming Heads/Video Audio Crazys)

The fact we're having a better discussion about this then Sony's Ceo vs Xbox's/Wii's Ceos is a funny. I'll say this. and you can say you heard it hear first. I will get a ps3 regardless. WHY? cause I'm a nutjob like that. in addition. its still an investment. especially if i get a hold to a first batch machine and they ship that 400grand they said instead of a mil. Supply vs Demand. I know darn well more then 400thousand people in the US wants the ps3. no matter if it cost $1000 bucks. So what will happen when they sell out???? Same thing happened with the Xbox's. but worse. Because the people who will be willing to pay the crazy money will be guys like myself. nutjobs. but worse then me. So it will be "name your price, and I'll pay". at the end of the day. I never want a first shipment console. So i'll keep those chips. and purchase one on the 2nd go round. and have made enough profit to say, I didn't pay for it at all. Then i can sit there and marvel at all it can do. and not the price.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 7:56 pm    Post subject:

I have to say, this is the most calm, rational, and polite discussion regarding these 3 consoles I've participated in. And I do this in other places on a daily basis. Kind of a weird place to find such a thing, and a little ironic considering how out of hand some of our other discussions can get.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 8:06 am    Post subject:

I'll definitely be getting a wii, the question is when. I've been impatiently waiting for the New Zelda and if it's released on gamecube, I might wait a little while to get the wii. but the price is great. I barely play video games anymore. I'm only a little skeptical about having the controllers for separate hands. not sure how I'm going to coordinate.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 9:56 am    Post subject:

prisma8slg wrote:
I'll definitely be getting a wii, the question is when. I've been impatiently waiting for the New Zelda and if it's released on gamecube, I might wait a little while to get the wii. but the price is great. I barely play video games anymore. I'm only a little skeptical about having the controllers for separate hands. not sure how I'm going to coordinate.

Man, I haven't played Zelda since SNES. Are they still pretty good?

My allegiance remains with the Final Fantasy series, though, and I will follow PS as long as they have those.

I wish games weren't so proprietary. If I can use MS Office on a Mac, why can't I play Zelda on PS2?
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 12:50 pm    Post subject:

TACH wrote:
CORRECTION about PS3 Game Prices:

PlayStation 3 Games to be $59 - Looks Like They're Sane After All

The rumor that PS3 games are going to cost $75 to $84 was pretty much inaccurate, and caused by a simple conversion from yen to dollars instead of any official price release. The official price in the US, as listed on Sony's official Sony Style site is $59. Same as the Xbox 360.

Though, it's a bit strange that Japan will be paying that much more than the US for PS3 games. Seeing as Europe's Xbox 360 games are nearly $100 USD now, $74 to $85 would be a bargain for them.

PS3 Game $59....

speaking on the prices for the games.

once again, lets not go crazy because the games cost alot. Cause if I can remember correctly, the Nintendo games weren't cheap and that was way back when. neither was the Sega Gensis games. So for what its worth, and what you're actually getting. its worth the money. like i said, i dont want to pay for then a buck for a gallon of gas. so its not about the fact I like paying a lot of money for anything. But i can admit when you're getting your so called Money's worth.

Look at it like this. NBA live 07, has beautiful graphics. THe practice mode is enough to pay $30.00 alone. You now have full fledge soundtracks on these games. (you didn't have that back in the day). In addition the NBA Live is giving you ESPN updates/interviews/videos. oh and buy the way Allstar Weekend, Play Now, and a very deep Franchise mode. all for that one price.

Same with 2K7, 50 different Modes all for one price. like i said in the other thread. I'm stuck on 24:7 mode. That mode in itself is a seperate game. you have 2 games in one. I remember asking for this years ago. with the college games. so you wont have to do the import draft class thing. and the north american scouting in your NBA Franchise would be legit to your NCaa game you're currently playing. But thats basically what 24:7 mode is, not as complexed. but yet and still your guy beats the mode and you end up in a teams NBA roster. Then you can play the normal game. then go online and pull off a 30 team franchise, with 30 people(1 team per person). forget a fantasy league at Yahoo. How about a league i can control the players, team chemistry, fatigue etc, etc.
all for $59.99. you can't beat that.

come one Double Dribble was how much?
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 4:07 pm    Post subject:

encina1 wrote:
prisma8slg wrote:
I'll definitely be getting a wii, the question is when. I've been impatiently waiting for the New Zelda and if it's released on gamecube, I might wait a little while to get the wii. but the price is great. I barely play video games anymore. I'm only a little skeptical about having the controllers for separate hands. not sure how I'm going to coordinate.

Man, I haven't played Zelda since SNES. Are they still pretty good?

My allegiance remains with the Final Fantasy series, though, and I will follow PS as long as they have those.

I wish games weren't so proprietary. If I can use MS Office on a Mac, why can't I play Zelda on PS2?

The Zelda games are always good. The first one for the Nintendo 64 (Ocarina of Time) was particularly good. When someone asks me what the best video game of all time is, I answer Ocarina of Time without hesitation. That's how good it is.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 4:09 pm    Post subject:

Exick wrote:
encina1 wrote:
prisma8slg wrote:
I'll definitely be getting a wii, the question is when. I've been impatiently waiting for the New Zelda and if it's released on gamecube, I might wait a little while to get the wii. but the price is great. I barely play video games anymore. I'm only a little skeptical about having the controllers for separate hands. not sure how I'm going to coordinate.

Man, I haven't played Zelda since SNES. Are they still pretty good?

My allegiance remains with the Final Fantasy series, though, and I will follow PS as long as they have those.

I wish games weren't so proprietary. If I can use MS Office on a Mac, why can't I play Zelda on PS2?

The Zelda games are always good. The first one for the Nintendo 64 (Ocarina of Time) was particularly good. When someone asks me what the best video game of all time is, I answer Ocarina of Time without hesitation. That's how good it is.

Final Fantasy VII
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 7:02 pm    Post subject:

encina1 wrote:
Exick wrote:
encina1 wrote:
prisma8slg wrote:
I'll definitely be getting a wii, the question is when. I've been impatiently waiting for the New Zelda and if it's released on gamecube, I might wait a little while to get the wii. but the price is great. I barely play video games anymore. I'm only a little skeptical about having the controllers for separate hands. not sure how I'm going to coordinate.

Man, I haven't played Zelda since SNES. Are they still pretty good?

My allegiance remains with the Final Fantasy series, though, and I will follow PS as long as they have those.

I wish games weren't so proprietary. If I can use MS Office on a Mac, why can't I play Zelda on PS2?

The Zelda games are always good. The first one for the Nintendo 64 (Ocarina of Time) was particularly good. When someone asks me what the best video game of all time is, I answer Ocarina of Time without hesitation. That's how good it is.

Final Fantasy VII

I've never been a fan of turn-based RPGs, so none of the FF games even crack my top 10. I haven't played most of them anyway. The only one I ever enjoyed was Chrono Trigger. And that was a helluva game.
Game recognize game, Granddad. - Riley Freeman, The Boondocks
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