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PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2024 2:55 pm    Post subject:

ChefLinda wrote:
LakesGnrLake wrote:
Murdock wrote:
ChefLinda wrote:
Here's Biden at a rally today. Sounding like himself, strong, voice improved, making cogent points, pointing out all the ways Trump lied last night:

Kaitlan Collins @kaitlancollins

Compare this President Biden to the one on stage at the debate last night.

link to video

Crowd fired up and chanting "FOUR MORE YEARS!"

It seems CNN is carrying it live.

Maybe it's just me CL, but.. it reminds me of a post you made a few weeks back..

ChefLinda wrote:

4) Trump is "sundowning" and his handler's are trying to limit his evening rallies when he is prone to even more nonsensical gibberish, gafs, mistakes and brain glitches.

Is the Biden of last night vs today an example of this?

I think I saw someone post that when he's at his rallies or doing conversations he looks ok, but when he's in a pressure situation you see what you saw last night. So it begs the question is how is he handling the pressure on a day to day basis?

There is no pressure to answer a question in two minutes. He's in the oval office with reams of information, expert advice, discussions over what to do, then he evaluates and makes a decision. In real life there is no 2-minute time clock to make daily decisions. On the other hand, Trump never got to the Oval Office until noon and had a 2-minute attention span for briefings. That's a helluva lot scarier.

And Biden handled himself at the G7 just fine. Unscripted interactions with world leaders planning to keep the world safe. He flew back and forth between US and Europe about 3 times in one week and still did evening campaign events into the late night. Then up early the next morning for rounds of meetings.

I pay attention to this stuff. He knows what he's doing. The people he meets with report the same. He's sharp, he understands policy inside out, is a good negotiator and and gets things done.

We're not supposed to be electing a reality star who knows how to work the camera but is a complete moron when the red lights go out.

It's the American Idol syndrome. A couple of generations think reality TV is the standard by which to judge people. It's fake, just like the TV show The Apprentice was fake. Trump is a fake. But the racist dopes thought it was real.

Our side should be better than that. Sadly the NY Times and Washington Post took over for NBC Universal and the National Enquirer in perpetuating the Trump myth and the smears of Biden, never giving him credit for anything he's accomplished and writing hundreds of stories "but his age!" just like "but her emails!"

I know I'm repeating myself in this thread and people are probably getting tired of it. But not everyone is reading every post on every page and people keep bringing up the same question -- can Biden get the job done? And it keeps getting answered with a resounding "Yes, he can" but people aren't taking it in and then it asked again. So I'll answer it as many times as it takes.

CL, you are articulating every thought I have on this significantly better than I ever could.

So please do not stop with these posts, you are laying out the FACTS
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2024 2:58 pm    Post subject:

oasisdude77 wrote:

CL, you are articulating every thought I have on this significantly better than I ever could.

So please do not stop with these posts, you are laying out the FACTS

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2024 3:03 pm    Post subject:

More evidence of Biden's stamina:

Renee @PettyLupone

So you mean to tell me that Biden went to Atlanta for the debate, stayed up all night at the Waffle House, flew to NC the next day and went OFF at a rally, and then went to NYC to stand up for the LGBTQ community at a Stonewall event with Elton John?!?!

link to video with Elton John from this afternoon in NYC
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2024 3:16 pm    Post subject:

From the New York Times Editorial Board:


To Serve His Country, President Biden Should Leave the Race

President Biden has repeatedly and rightfully described the stakes in this November’s presidential election as nothing less than the future of American democracy.

Donald Trump has proved himself to be a significant jeopardy to that democracy — an erratic and self-interested figure unworthy of the public trust. He systematically attempted to undermine the integrity of elections. His supporters have described, publicly, a 2025 agenda that would give him the power to carry out the most extreme of his promises and threats. If he is returned to office, he has vowed to be a different kind of president, unrestrained by the checks on power built into the American political system....

At Thursday’s debate, the president needed to convince the American public that he was equal to the formidable demands of the office he is seeking to hold for another term. Voters, however, cannot be expected to ignore what was instead plain to see: Mr. Biden is not the man he was four years ago.

The president appeared on Thursday night as the shadow of a great public servant. He struggled to explain what he would accomplish in a second term. He struggled to respond to Mr. Trump’s provocations. He struggled to hold Mr. Trump accountable for his lies, his failures and his chilling plans. More than once, he struggled to make it to the end of a sentence.
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Mr. Biden has been an admirable president. Under his leadership, the nation has prospered and begun to address a range of long-term challenges, and the wounds ripped open by Mr. Trump have begun to heal. But the greatest public service Mr. Biden can now perform is to announce that he will not continue to run for re-election.

As it stands, the president is engaged in a reckless gamble. There are Democratic leaders better equipped to present clear, compelling and energetic alternatives to a second Trump presidency. There is no reason for the party to risk the stability and security of the country by forcing voters to choose between Mr. Trump’s deficiencies and those of Mr. Biden. It’s too big a bet to simply hope Americans will overlook or discount Mr. Biden’s age and infirmity that they see with their own eyes....

The clearest path for Democrats to defeat a candidate defined by his lies is to deal truthfully with the American public: acknowledge that Mr. Biden can’t continue his race, and create a process to select someone more capable to stand in his place to defeat Mr. Trump in November.

It is the best chance to protect the soul of the nation — the cause that drew Mr. Biden to run for the presidency in 2019 — from the malign warping of Mr. Trump. And it is the best service that Mr. Biden can provide to a country that he has nobly served for so long.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2024 3:21 pm    Post subject:

The NYT times can go (bleep) themselves. Why aren't they asking the convicted felon, compulsive liar, adjudicated rapist, business fraud and stealer of nuclear secrets to step aside? Give me a (bleep) break.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2024 3:28 pm    Post subject:

angrypuppy wrote:
From the New York Times

Stopped reading right there. Might as well quote Fox or NewsMax.
You thought God was an architect, now you know
He’s something like a pipe bomb ready to blow
And everything you built that’s all for show
goes up in flames
In 24 frames

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Man, do those lyrics resonate right now
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2024 3:29 pm    Post subject:

That is a dangerous, unproductive article. if Biden doesn't step aside -- and I call malarkey on the notion that there are some hidden gem Dems out there that are going to galvanize the base and swing voters -- then this article will absolutely be thrown in his face and the faces of swing voters over and over and over again. to what end? a trump presidency?
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2024 3:40 pm    Post subject:

ocho wrote:
Cutheon wrote:
ChefLinda wrote:
Rachel Bitecofer 🗽💡🔭🦆 @RachelBitecofer

When Romney trounced Obama.

The sheer panic Democrats felt in 2012 after Mitt Romney demolished Barack Obama at their first presidential debate in Denver can't be overstated.

People are such clowns. “Trounced.” “Demolished.” It’s a (bleep) debate. I assure you swing voters do NOT care about a (bleep) debate that they won’t even remember in 6 months.

There’s really no comparison here. People thought Obama lost that debate and were concerned about him losing the election because of it, but there was never a concern he was mentally or physically unable to do the job for another 4 years. Obama wasn’t unable to form sentences. He didn’t look like he was about to keel over. If Biden had replicated Obama’s performance that night it would have been the best he’s looked in years. At some point we can’t keep denying what we are all seeing here. He’s too old and out of it to be doing this.

I for one remember a very nervous and panicky Democratic party after that debate where Romney "trounced" and "demolished" Obama. Lot of prisoner of the moment articles about how doomed we all were and how Obama was going to get wrecked by beloved Mitt Romney, the man who brought single payer health care to America, united democrats and republicans alike, and blah blah blah. Obama trounced Romney because non corrupt, non-orange incumbents tend to beat challengers. And I firmly believe Biden will beat Trump for largely the same reasons, with some 34 felony convictions sprinkled in.

I'll believe the sky is falling when Biden is dead or in a hospital bed. It was one debate. And frankly, I am being practical--we do not have a magical demoratic pipeline and the general is in 5 months. Unless Gavin Newsome suddenly grows a pair, we have to play the hand we are dealt with and feeding into the fear narrative strikes me as unproductive.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2024 3:46 pm    Post subject:

I'm sure Biden knows he's dug himself a hole. How he'll dig himself out is what I'm looking forward to. Dumbed-down America will be difficult to reach.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2024 3:50 pm    Post subject:

Biden did well at today's rally, but in a clip of it that I saw, he did cough. So maybe he really did have a cold yesterday at the debate. If so, we have no reason to worry about his health or cognitive fitness.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2024 3:51 pm    Post subject:

Cutheon wrote:
ocho wrote:
Cutheon wrote:
ChefLinda wrote:
Rachel Bitecofer 🗽💡🔭🦆 @RachelBitecofer

When Romney trounced Obama.

The sheer panic Democrats felt in 2012 after Mitt Romney demolished Barack Obama at their first presidential debate in Denver can't be overstated.

People are such clowns. “Trounced.” “Demolished.” It’s a (bleep) debate. I assure you swing voters do NOT care about a (bleep) debate that they won’t even remember in 6 months.

There’s really no comparison here. People thought Obama lost that debate and were concerned about him losing the election because of it, but there was never a concern he was mentally or physically unable to do the job for another 4 years. Obama wasn’t unable to form sentences. He didn’t look like he was about to keel over. If Biden had replicated Obama’s performance that night it would have been the best he’s looked in years. At some point we can’t keep denying what we are all seeing here. He’s too old and out of it to be doing this.

I for one remember a very nervous and panicky Democratic party after that debate where Romney "trounced" and "demolished" Obama. Lot of prisoner of the moment articles about how doomed we all were and how Obama was going to get wrecked by beloved Mitt Romney, the man who brought single payer health care to America, united democrats and republicans alike, and blah blah blah. Obama trounced Romney because non corrupt, non-orange incumbents tend to beat challengers. And I firmly believe Biden will beat Trump for largely the same reasons, with some 34 felony convictions sprinkled in.

I'll believe the sky is falling when Biden is dead or in a hospital bed. It was one debate. And frankly, I am being practical--we do not have a magical demoratic pipeline and the general is in 5 months. Unless Gavin Newsome suddenly grows a pair, we have to play the hand we are dealt with and feeding into the fear narrative strikes me as unproductive.

To be fully transparent. Obama was my favorite president so I am certainly bias. There was never a doubt about him winning either election. His performance you guys referenced had to do with him not giving a bleep. A hiccup at worst. Biden was no one’s first choice. He was just a better choice. Still is, but if you take into account the perception of him, and his presidency coupled with the border disaster, 2 wars, and inflation he doesn’t have wiggle room. I’m voting for him, but they could put anyone against trump and I just like most would vote for them. So why not do it. I’ve seen the post debate rally and he still looks and sounds below average.
He is being propped up by a party that has zero balls.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2024 3:51 pm    Post subject:

Cutheon wrote:
That is a dangerous, unproductive article. if Biden doesn't step aside -- and I call malarkey on the notion that there are some hidden gem Dems out there that are going to galvanize the base and swing voters -- then this article will absolutely be thrown in his face and the faces of swing voters over and over and over again. to what end? a trump presidency?

The spirit of that article is finding the best avenue to avoid a Trump Presidency. We keep being told to ignore Biden’s condition. We just shouldn’t talk about it the worse he gets. Poll after poll for months shows us that Democrats (not Maga Republicans. Democrats) consider this to be a very serious issue. It’s a close race, but Biden is currently neck and neck at best and losing at worst to a terrible candidate most people can’t stand. Someone who is a convicted felon. It would be one thing if Biden were beloved and looking like this in public but he’s an extremely unpopular President. Pretending this isn’t a thing isn’t working.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2024 3:57 pm    Post subject:

ocho wrote:
Cutheon wrote:
That is a dangerous, unproductive article. if Biden doesn't step aside -- and I call malarkey on the notion that there are some hidden gem Dems out there that are going to galvanize the base and swing voters -- then this article will absolutely be thrown in his face and the faces of swing voters over and over and over again. to what end? a trump presidency?

The spirit of that article is finding the best avenue to avoid a Trump Presidency. We keep being told to ignore Biden’s condition. We just shouldn’t talk about it the worse he gets. Poll after poll for months shows us that Democrats (not Maga Republicans. Democrats) consider this to be a very serious issue. It’s a close race, but Biden is currently neck and neck at best and losing at worst to a terrible candidate most people can’t stand. Someone who is a convicted felon. It would be one thing if Biden were beloved and looking like this in public but he’s an extremely unpopular President. Pretending this isn’t a thing isn’t working.

Please explain to me in detail what condition you are talking about and how is it getting worse?
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2024 4:05 pm    Post subject:

ChefLinda wrote:
ocho wrote:
Cutheon wrote:
That is a dangerous, unproductive article. if Biden doesn't step aside -- and I call malarkey on the notion that there are some hidden gem Dems out there that are going to galvanize the base and swing voters -- then this article will absolutely be thrown in his face and the faces of swing voters over and over and over again. to what end? a trump presidency?

The spirit of that article is finding the best avenue to avoid a Trump Presidency. We keep being told to ignore Biden’s condition. We just shouldn’t talk about it the worse he gets. Poll after poll for months shows us that Democrats (not Maga Republicans. Democrats) consider this to be a very serious issue. It’s a close race, but Biden is currently neck and neck at best and losing at worst to a terrible candidate most people can’t stand. Someone who is a convicted felon. It would be one thing if Biden were beloved and looking like this in public but he’s an extremely unpopular President. Pretending this isn’t a thing isn’t working.

Please explain to me in detail what condition you are talking about and how is it getting worse?

If you genuinely believe after watching last night that Joe Biden is sharp and mentally fit to serve another four years as President that’s fine. We can continue to pretend he’s ok. But it’s not working. It was cruel to put him out there in the state he’s in.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2024 4:09 pm    Post subject:

ocho wrote:
ChefLinda wrote:
ocho wrote:
Cutheon wrote:
That is a dangerous, unproductive article. if Biden doesn't step aside -- and I call malarkey on the notion that there are some hidden gem Dems out there that are going to galvanize the base and swing voters -- then this article will absolutely be thrown in his face and the faces of swing voters over and over and over again. to what end? a trump presidency?

The spirit of that article is finding the best avenue to avoid a Trump Presidency. We keep being told to ignore Biden’s condition. We just shouldn’t talk about it the worse he gets. Poll after poll for months shows us that Democrats (not Maga Republicans. Democrats) consider this to be a very serious issue. It’s a close race, but Biden is currently neck and neck at best and losing at worst to a terrible candidate most people can’t stand. Someone who is a convicted felon. It would be one thing if Biden were beloved and looking like this in public but he’s an extremely unpopular President. Pretending this isn’t a thing isn’t working.

Please explain to me in detail what condition you are talking about and how is it getting worse?

If you genuinely believe after watching last night that Joe Biden is sharp and mentally fit to serve another four years as President that’s fine. We can continue to pretend he’s ok. But it’s not working. It was cruel to put him out there in the state he’s in.

I guess you haven't read any of my posts in the last two pages where I laid out in detail with videos and press reports that completely counter your assertion that he's not mentally fit to serve. I'm serious, Ocho. Did you not read any of it or watch the videos of Biden FROM TODAY? I expected more from you.

Last edited by ChefLinda on Fri Jun 28, 2024 4:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2024 4:10 pm    Post subject:

ocho wrote:
ChefLinda wrote:
ocho wrote:
Cutheon wrote:
That is a dangerous, unproductive article. if Biden doesn't step aside -- and I call malarkey on the notion that there are some hidden gem Dems out there that are going to galvanize the base and swing voters -- then this article will absolutely be thrown in his face and the faces of swing voters over and over and over again. to what end? a trump presidency?

The spirit of that article is finding the best avenue to avoid a Trump Presidency. We keep being told to ignore Biden’s condition. We just shouldn’t talk about it the worse he gets. Poll after poll for months shows us that Democrats (not Maga Republicans. Democrats) consider this to be a very serious issue. It’s a close race, but Biden is currently neck and neck at best and losing at worst to a terrible candidate most people can’t stand. Someone who is a convicted felon. It would be one thing if Biden were beloved and looking like this in public but he’s an extremely unpopular President. Pretending this isn’t a thing isn’t working.

Please explain to me in detail what condition you are talking about and how is it getting worse?

If you genuinely believe after watching last night that Joe Biden is sharp and mentally fit to serve another four years as President that’s fine. We can continue to pretend he’s ok. But it’s not working. It was cruel to put him out there in the state he’s in.

I agree. I understand his wife saying as much, but he’s old, worn down and about to enter the most physical part of his campaign. That’s his condition
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2024 4:16 pm    Post subject:

ChefLinda wrote:
ocho wrote:
ChefLinda wrote:
ocho wrote:
Cutheon wrote:
That is a dangerous, unproductive article. if Biden doesn't step aside -- and I call malarkey on the notion that there are some hidden gem Dems out there that are going to galvanize the base and swing voters -- then this article will absolutely be thrown in his face and the faces of swing voters over and over and over again. to what end? a trump presidency?

The spirit of that article is finding the best avenue to avoid a Trump Presidency. We keep being told to ignore Biden’s condition. We just shouldn’t talk about it the worse he gets. Poll after poll for months shows us that Democrats (not Maga Republicans. Democrats) consider this to be a very serious issue. It’s a close race, but Biden is currently neck and neck at best and losing at worst to a terrible candidate most people can’t stand. Someone who is a convicted felon. It would be one thing if Biden were beloved and looking like this in public but he’s an extremely unpopular President. Pretending this isn’t a thing isn’t working.

Please explain to me in detail what condition you are talking about and how is it getting worse?

If you genuinely believe after watching last night that Joe Biden is sharp and mentally fit to serve another four years as President that’s fine. We can continue to pretend he’s ok. But it’s not working. It was cruel to put him out there in the state he’s in.

I guess you haven't read any of my posts in the last two pages where I laid out in detail with videos and press reports that completely counter your assertion that he's not mentally fit to serve. I'm serious, Ocho. Did you not read any of it or watch the videos of Biden FROM TODAY? I expected more from you.

Yes. I saw you chalk it up to a cold that he miraculously recovered from a matter of hours later when he had a teleprompter. I know when I have a cold I can’t keep a train of thought together or speak coherently. The thing is, you know he’s severely diminished. Anyone can look at a YouTube video of him just a few years ago and look at him now and no serious or honest person can deny that he hasn’t deteriorated. The risk of sticking by this deeply unpopular and diminished candidate is too great to keep pretending everything is fine with him. It’s not working. You can only tell people they’re not seeing what they’re seeing for so long.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2024 4:24 pm    Post subject:

slavavov wrote:
Biden did well at today's rally, but in a clip of it that I saw, he did cough. So maybe he really did have a cold yesterday at the debate. If so, we have no reason to worry about his health or cognitive fitness.

Fools gold … he had the advantage of teleprompters and a script. He needs to stay away from depositions, debates, press conferences and areas where he is left to his own devices.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2024 4:26 pm    Post subject:

You know Joe Biden provided the Trump campaign with fresh material to air in the swing states yesterday and that is bad news for them.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2024 4:26 pm    Post subject:

ocho wrote:
ChefLinda wrote:
ocho wrote:
ChefLinda wrote:
ocho wrote:
Cutheon wrote:
That is a dangerous, unproductive article. if Biden doesn't step aside -- and I call malarkey on the notion that there are some hidden gem Dems out there that are going to galvanize the base and swing voters -- then this article will absolutely be thrown in his face and the faces of swing voters over and over and over again. to what end? a trump presidency?

The spirit of that article is finding the best avenue to avoid a Trump Presidency. We keep being told to ignore Biden’s condition. We just shouldn’t talk about it the worse he gets. Poll after poll for months shows us that Democrats (not Maga Republicans. Democrats) consider this to be a very serious issue. It’s a close race, but Biden is currently neck and neck at best and losing at worst to a terrible candidate most people can’t stand. Someone who is a convicted felon. It would be one thing if Biden were beloved and looking like this in public but he’s an extremely unpopular President. Pretending this isn’t a thing isn’t working.

Please explain to me in detail what condition you are talking about and how is it getting worse?

If you genuinely believe after watching last night that Joe Biden is sharp and mentally fit to serve another four years as President that’s fine. We can continue to pretend he’s ok. But it’s not working. It was cruel to put him out there in the state he’s in.

I guess you haven't read any of my posts in the last two pages where I laid out in detail with videos and press reports that completely counter your assertion that he's not mentally fit to serve. I'm serious, Ocho. Did you not read any of it or watch the videos of Biden FROM TODAY? I expected more from you.

Yes. I saw you chalk it up to a cold that he miraculously recovered from a matter of hours later when he had a teleprompter. I know when I have a cold I can’t keep a train of thought together or speak coherently. The thing is, you know he’s severely diminished. Anyone can look at a YouTube video of him just a few years ago and look at him now and no serious or honest person can deny that he hasn’t deteriorated. The risk of sticking by this deeply unpopular and diminished candidate is too great to keep pretending everything is fine with him. It’s not working. You can only tell people they’re not seeing what they’re seeing for so long.

There is a difference between normal aging versus something more serious. I see normal aging, his usual propensity for gaffs. a weaker voice, an older more frail appearance. I don't deny any of that. I don't deny he had a bad debate last night. I deny the assertion that he suffers from some sort of dementia. All evidence points to a functioning chief executive. You are extrapolating what you want to extrapolate. I think you're wrong, but okay. But it so happens that the people who *actually* interact with him (politicians, journalists, union workers, world leaders) say that he is still sharp and has a command of the facts. I choose to believe them.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2024 4:29 pm    Post subject:

lakersken80 wrote:
You know Joe Biden provided the Trump campaign with fresh material to air in the swing states yesterday and that is bad news for them.

Let’s not act like trump was good. Just more coherent. He lied, waffled on abortion, and Jan 6. Is a felon. Neither of these guys are safe, the hope was JB would have elevated. He was worse than imagined

Last edited by Halflife on Fri Jun 28, 2024 4:33 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2024 4:33 pm    Post subject:

JerryWest_44 wrote:
slavavov wrote:
Biden did well at today's rally, but in a clip of it that I saw, he did cough. So maybe he really did have a cold yesterday at the debate. If so, we have no reason to worry about his health or cognitive fitness.

Fools gold … he had the advantage of teleprompters and a script. He needs to stay away from depositions, debates, press conferences and areas where he is left to his own devices.

How do teleprompters and a script make someone sound a lot more energetic and vigorous?
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2024 4:34 pm    Post subject:

slavavov wrote:
JerryWest_44 wrote:
slavavov wrote:
Biden did well at today's rally, but in a clip of it that I saw, he did cough. So maybe he really did have a cold yesterday at the debate. If so, we have no reason to worry about his health or cognitive fitness.

Fools gold … he had the advantage of teleprompters and a script. He needs to stay away from depositions, debates, press conferences and areas where he is left to his own devices.

How do teleprompters and a script make someone sound a lot more energetic and vigorous?

Structure. That was a huge issue last night. He started on one topic and veered
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2024 4:53 pm    Post subject:

Halflife wrote:
slavavov wrote:
JerryWest_44 wrote:
slavavov wrote:
Biden did well at today's rally, but in a clip of it that I saw, he did cough. So maybe he really did have a cold yesterday at the debate. If so, we have no reason to worry about his health or cognitive fitness.

Fools gold … he had the advantage of teleprompters and a script. He needs to stay away from depositions, debates, press conferences and areas where he is left to his own devices.

How do teleprompters and a script make someone sound a lot more energetic and vigorous?

Structure. That was a huge issue last night. He started on one topic and veered

How did that magically get rid of his hoarse voice and lack of energy and vitality?
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2024 4:57 pm    Post subject:

We have a very divided society. Voting wise, we have a 50/50 country.

The low popularity of major Democratic candidates is not due to them being "bad candidates." It's due to the D next to their name. It's due to the fact that Republican party is now a white nationalist, Christian extremist, misogynistic, bigoted party who wants to hang onto power at any cost despite shrinking demographics. And they will burn it all down if they don't get their way. They live to own the libs. They hate everything about the Democratic party. Especially the fact we are a multi-cultural party.

Biden's approval rating among Democrats is about 83%. That about the same as Obama and Clinton at this point in their presidencies.

Republicans/conservatives also happen to control many major media outlets who regurgitate their talking points. It used to just be Fox News, now Murdoch also owns the Wall Street Journal. Conservative ownership now influences the NY Times and Washington Post. Conservatives took over syndicated Sinclair media which deceptively slips in Republican talking points into local newscasts as if they are local news from local anchors.

For the last couple of years, all of the above media have flooded the zone with negative Biden stories, mostly on his age but also bashing him for inflation. Yet when the economy corrected and started booming, they stopped giving Biden credit and his name was removed from any of those headlines.

The right-wing/msm media has shaped the narrative and many of you have bought into it.

It's "but her emails" all over again. Some essential kernel of truth (Biden's natural aging) gets exploded into a millions memes that reach outlandish proportions to the point where otherwise intelligent, rational people on OUR SIDE have now bought into the nefarious, insidious theory that Biden is a completely senile, non functioning, drooling dolt who and can barely walk or talk much less function as a president. IT IS (bleep) ABSURD.

Have you ever met a normal 80-year old in your real life? Biden is higher functioning than most 65-year-olds. Have you ever had family member who *actually* has dementia? I assure you they do not look, talk or act like Biden. It's actually insulting.

Last edited by ChefLinda on Sat Jun 29, 2024 4:49 am; edited 3 times in total
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